
Showing posts from February, 2020

Roller Coaster Road

Roller Coaster Road Sometimes a family experiences a roller coaster of emotions that are too painful to confront. They are simply suppressed; life limps on. Never sharing the details of one fall night 48 years ago, I finally had the courage to tell my story.​  tragedy It was not an easy journey, but after working on it for over 10 years, it allowed me to release repressed emotions and finally put them to rest. Having found that release, I hope my story will help others overcome their life-changing events and persevere in their quest for happiness. I travel back to fond childhood memories of joyful rides on a roller coaster road that seemed so benign, but would become a sinister roadway that would haunt me for so many years. This story is about the pain of losing my sister in a tragic accident and my mother’s subsequent depression that deprived me of the support I needed to cope with her own loss. The raw truth is conveyed in this story of how I tried to make sense


We are experts in crypto-asset profitability is a sophisticated technology investment system to make crypto-assets profitable led byGonzalo García-Pelayo together with an international team of experts in mathematics, economics and technology. After several years researching blockchain technology, we are able to study in real time the evolution of the main crypto-assets and their sale price in different currencies and find the optimum moments to buy and sell. Our platform, from just $100, allows anyone to participate in the returns obtained. is a sophisticated technology investment system to make crypto-assets profitable led byGonzalo García-Pelayo together with an international team of experts in mathematics, economics and technology.Bitcoin, criptomonedas, libertad financiera, inversiones, emprendimiento, ingresos pasivos  Profitability is our priority The technology developed by allows us to study the evolution of the m